1. Specialty Cast Information
We are thrilled your child has joined our specialty cast! After viewing the audition results, please carefully review the rehearsal calendar to ensure your child’s availability. If you have any scheduling conflicts, please email kidsworshipnorth@prestonwood.org. All specialty cast members are limited to 2 unexcused absences; more absences may result in a child being requested to relinquish his/her specialty part and to join General Choir ONLY.
*PLEASE NOTE: The songs listed in the rehearsal schedule are for DANCE GROUPS only unless otherwise noted. Soloists, Ensemble members, and Nonspeaking roles will have specifically designated rehearsals. All speaking roles are included in “Speaking Cast”.
2. Personal Information Form
You MUST fill out the “personal information form” linked below for each child participating in our auditions. Each child must have a separate form. The form is quick and easy and will require a clear, up-close headshot of your child that we can use as a reference. This photo does not need to be high quality and can be taken from your phone. Any child who is signed up for auditions and does not have a personal information form filled out WILL NOT be allowed to audition.
3. Sign-up Links
Sign-up links for volunteering opportunities will be posted in the coming weeks.
4. Singing/Speaking and Choreo “at home” practice information
For all specialty parts, please go to the Planning Center link below for singing lyrics and MP3’s. Scripts will be handed out individually to all speaking cast members.
- You must be logged out of any other planning center, and log into ours using the below information
- Please Do NOT hit “decline”; once in select the green button that says “NC AMP Kids’ Worship – Jul 31, 2035”
- From there scroll down, all material can be found under the MAMALU header. The “paperclip” on the far right side of each song will open up the various attachments.
- Songs/Choreo video can be downloaded into your planning center app (not your phone) so you can play anytime, OR you can stream directly from the planning center site.
Planning center login: kidsworshipnorth@prestonwood.org
Planning center password: NCkidsworship24!