Our Values:
Formative – We will shape the Gospel in people with the songs we sing and the way we sing them, by faithfully proclaiming truth with consistency and simplicity.
Excellent – We will be excellent in our talent and in our character, in order to provide an atmosphere free of distraction to proclaim the truth of God’s word in song and declare how excellent he is.
Expressive – We will declare outwardly with our bodies the inward reality of our joy and delight in a holy, awe-inspiring, wonderful God and give an example and permission to our church to worship with all they are.
Diverse – We will be a tangible representation of God’s heart for the world. Jesus died for every nation, tribe, and tongue. He loves people from every ethnic, socio-economic, and cultural background. We want to show that in the diversity of our ministry.
Seeker-Aware – We will be a welcoming place for the people whom God is always seeking to save to come and hear the Gospel. Many have not grown up in church and we will be intentional about the way we communicate to not alienate them.
Our Commitment:
We want to be people who worship Jesus more off the platform than on the platform, and spend more time in adoration of God in private than in public. This will not only give us a vibrant spiritual life, but also fuel our times of corporate worship.
We want to be an irresistible community of grace that reflects the glory of God in the unity of our ministry. We will strive to be a family who lives above reproach, and is unwaveringly for each other.