1. Audition Information

Please read through ALL the Audition Information listed on the button below BEFORE continuing.  Most questions can be answered here regarding sign-ups, dates, audition paperwork, requirements, etc.  Thank you!

2. Personal Information Form

You MUST fill out the “personal information form” linked below for each child participating in our auditions.  Each child must have a separate form.  The form is quick and easy and will require a clear, upclose headshot of your child that we can use as a reference.  This photo does not need to be high quality and can be taken from your phone.  Any child who is signed up for auditions and does not have a personal information form filled out WILL NOT be allowed to audition.

3. Sign-up Links

Sign-up links will be available starting August 31st by 3:00 pm and will close by midnight, September 6th.  Late sign-ups will not be accepted.  First grade will not be eligible for specialty parts in the Fall; they will be general choir only.

4. Singing/Speaking and Choreo Audition “at home” practice information

For all audition parts, please go to the Planning Center link below for all scripts, choreo video to practice, singing charts/lyrics and MP3’s.

  • You must be logged out of any other planning center, and log into ours using the below information
  • Please Do NOT hit “decline”; once in select the green button that says “Jan 31-Fall 2023 Kids Worship Songs”
  • From there scroll down, all paperwork can be found under the Auditions header. The “paperclip” on the far right side of each song title or script will open up the various attachments.
  • Songs/Choreo video can be downloaded into your planning center/music stand app (not your phone) so you can play anytime, OR you can stream directly from the planning center site.
  • Scripts and charts can be downloaded and printed.

Planning center login:

Planning center password: NCkidsworship24!